Attention Health Seekers: Feeling Fatigued, Flabby, Forgetful?

How To Balance Your Hormones... Naturally

  • Discover how motivated women in their 40s and 50s can address energy, gut health & hormonal imbalances naturally – so they can look and feel their absolute best

  • Learn how to address the root causes of chronic fatigue, poor sleep, stubborn weight and more... rather than just masking symptoms

  • Receive a clear and actionable roadmap tailored to your unique health needs with practical solutions for achieving hormonal balance, vitality and longevity


Hidden Stressors Draining Your Energy,
Vitality & Resilience

Hormones Mini-Masterclass
  • WHY conventional medicine often overlooks hidden stressors behind chronic health issues (and why many general practitioners may not fully address these complex interactions)

  • HOW to identify the hidden signs and symptoms draining energy, peak performance & resilience

  • WHICH advanced tests can identify your true cardiac risk profile – and what gut, hormone, adrenal, food reactivities and toxin testing we use to diagnose & prevent issues before they turn into catastrophic events

  • WHAT essential information you need to know about each stressor to achieve peak health, even if you do not exhibit the most common symptoms

  • HOW to select the right healthcare provider who understands and can effectively treat these interconnected stressors

Meet Dr. Kori Feldman, MD

Dr. Kori Feldman, MD

Dr. Feldman started her journey of improved health and healing near the end of residency. In 2008, she opened her insurance-based integrative primary care clinic. She found that it only helped a small fraction of her patients get or remain healthy. In 2015, she created a functional wellness practice (Vitality Wellness Partners) outside of the insurance model and found that her patients were dramatically more successful at reaching their health goals.

She remained committed to offering primary care, so in 2018, she opened Vitality Family Health, a new and improved model. Vitality offers a spectrum of support for your health journey.


3 Little-Known Facts About Hormones

"My Labs Are

With labs "in normal range", why do I have symptoms?

Your hormones can be in range... but not be optimal. The "normal range" is just based on an average of people (healthy or not). If you find yourself towards the lower or higher end, your hormones aren't in the optimal range. That's why we go beyond standard lab tests to find out why your hormones are imbalanced... checking other values that standard labs often miss. Take the first step to reclaim your vitality, and take the short quiz!


Are nutrient deficiencies impacting your hormones?

Without proper nutrition, your body can't make vital hormones. Most people, even healthy eaters, have nutrient deficiencies due to stress, gut issues, toxic exposure and taking medications. Using an integrative approach, we first evaluate all possible root causes of hormone dysfunction – including possible nutrient deficiencies that can be easily corrected with high-quality supplements.

Impact Of
Gut Health

GI issues can mess with your hormone balance

Gut imbalances frequently turn into hormonal imbalances! Trying to "fix" hormonal imbalances on their own will frequently backfire if you don't heal your gut too. Stealth infections, bacterial infections, leaky gut and SIBO push hormones out of whack... so we need to address those issues first before looking into things like hormone replacement therapy (HRT).